Roof moisture – risk that can impact performance of roof

During the last few years in the roofing business, we have noticed that owners of commercial and industrial buildings may be taking risks by not checking potential issues on their property that can harm their roof. Roof moisture is one of the most common problems, that is why you need to be aware of the following issues:

Reason & Damage it can do?

Although a moisture problem in the roof assembly can be due to waterproofing deficiencies, that doesn’t mean that we should neglect the effect of condensation. Roof condensation occurs when moisture becomes trapped between the roof and the ceiling insulation. The moisture in the roof can in extremem cases cause health problems but will also give your proeprty an unpleasant odour and discolour / damage your interior decor.

Types of roof moisture & solutions to the problem

(a). Small Amounts of Moisture by Occupants

A small amount of moisture is common in warehouses, offices and businesses. Warm air drifts upwards and traps the moisture between the insulation and membrane of the roof. To prevent this use staggered joints and at least two layers of insulation. If you have only a single layer, then you can prevent roof moisture by using cover boards.

(b). Large amount of moisture by occupants

Large commercial buildings with say a swimming pool, should be aware of low-slope roof moisture. To prevent the condensation one can make sure that ventilation and air handling systems are designed properly.

(c). Moisture by construction

This can become a problem before a building is occupied. Painting, concrete curing and drywall have been known to release trapped moisture, so you should choose construction professionals who are familiar with these issues.

The best way to deal with moisture problems is to seek the help of an experienced professional. So if you are in Luton why not give our team a call we will help you inspect, advise, repair or replace your roofing, give us a call on 01582 932051.